Elementor #195


…to see how heaven breaks into our lives,
our city, and our world.

Kirche In Aktion

Church In Action USA exists to support Kirche in Aktion, located in the Rhein-Main Region of Germany

College Standorte

The church was intended to be the place that postered the in-breaking of heaven on earth. God’s desire for the Church was that we would participate in the transformation of every aspect of our communities.

The Growing frustration with the Church is often vocalized as an inability to engage in God’s intention for his people because their church has lost sight of what Jesus called us to do.

Kirche in Action has mobilized small groups of people – the Christian and the skeptical, the local and international – to help bring heaven on earth to fulfill God’s intention for the Church.

The vision for the Church at Kirche in Aktion is to align ourselves as closely as possible to Jesus, his methods, his mindset, and his passion so that we can participate in bringing heaven into our world and our daily existence.

Communities on Mission

A Community on MIssion is a small group of 8-10 people who meet in an every-other-week rhythm. One week, they meet to exchange ideas, study the Bible and pray together. The other week, they serve together on a chosen project to make heaven visible in specific area of their city.

Kingdom Communities

Communities on Mission are a core element of Kingdom Communities, however, we also have almost 50 locations that regularly host worship services. These are mainly held in public places, like coffee shops, which makes church more approachable for someone new. Additionally, those who normally would not go to church may find themselves at a service during their normal activities.

Kirche in Aktion utilizes the Four Principles of a Healthy Church, as well as our worship services, Communities on Mission, and Kingdom projects to live as a holistic church that engages our city. Our core focus in meeting as a spiritual community is this:
We come together in order to be sent out.

The Four Principles of a Healthy Church

SHARE We want to share our lives with people who are not yet part of our community

INSPIRE We want to inspire people to follow Jesus

GROW We want to help people find their place to grow spiritually

SERVE We want to serve others

Kingdom Projects

Kirche in Aktion creates nonprofits, businesses, and other organizations that serve specific groups of people in sustainable ways. These allow for more connection and ministry opportunities than an typical church can sustain and allow us to engage in urban transformation and serve our city more significantly.

Pe/Ix Brothel Ministry

Church in Action “Street Teams” visit the red-light district every other week to meet with women in the brothels. For most of these ladies, the Street Team is the only interaction they get outside of their clients, the bouncers, and the other women in their house.

The purpose of these visits is important: Church in Action is not visiting the women to help them find their way to a “normal life” or “save them” from their current life. We are there to help them get back in touch with their dreams, to remind them of their value and worthiness as a Children of God, and assure them that the God loves them and is not angry with them

Refugee Work

Kirche in Aktion owns an apartment building where housing is provided to refugees and those seeking asylum. Here, families and individuals are cared for and helped through navigating access to government resources.

Communities on mission throughout the Rhein-Main region often take a mobile gaming van, the “SpielMobile” to play with children at this and other accommodations to build relationships and engage in play with the children and their families.

Church in Action USA

Our USA presence is split into three centers: Active Learning Center, Partnership Center, Investment Center. These three centers support the work of Kirche in Aktion Germany through building financial support in the United States. The Active Learning Center also facilitates the teaching of the Communities on Mission process to leaders in the US to allow for expansion of urban ministry and service to across the globe so that we can all work together to bring heaven on earth in our cities and around our world.





You can send a check to:

Recipient: Church in Action Germany, Account #: 19811

2323 N. Central Ave #1903

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Memo: Donation

We are a 501c3 also registered in the USA with the Tax ID# 81-3650252.


Church in Action Germany

2323 N. Central Ave #1903

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Phone no.: + 1 480 5691575

Email: info@churchinaction.com