We want to share our lives with people who are not yet part of our community
We want to inspire people to follow Jesus
We want to help people find their place to grow spiritually
We want to serve our cities and their people in sustainable ways
From the very beginning, the vision of Church in Action Germany has been to see Heaven break into our lives, our city, and our world.
In 2008, Philip started the work of Church in Action Germany by taking his team to the local soccer stadium where he would cast his compelling vision. His dream was to see many people involved in the project of bringing Heaven on Earth, for them to personally experience life transformation as they worked together for the good of the city and the world.
In 2010, Cris began the work with his team in the Berliner Pub in Frankfurt. They immediately created social projects benefiting the homeless in the city as well as financing a well in Ethiopia where the pub owner was from. The goal was to create one church in many locations.
We dream of urban transformation that takes place at all levels of society through a movement of Church communities, nonprofits and social businesses that live, work, serve and worship in the Rhine-Main region of Germany. We are seeking spiritual, social, emotional, and cultural change in order to see how heaven breaks into our lives, our city and our world.
10 Year Goals of Kirche in Aktion
1,000 Communities on Mission in the Rhine-Main region.
We long to reach into every neighborhood and create spiritual community across the Rhine-Main region, therefore, we are working to establish 1,000 Communities on Mission that will participate in bringing heaven on earth.
200 Kingdom Projects in the Rhine-Main region.
We are diving deeper into urban transformation. Launching and managing a total of 200 Kingdom Projects will allow us to serve our cities and their people in sustainable ways.
200 Pastors & Missionaries Trained in Our Leadership Program
Launching Kingdom Projects, as well as new Communities on Mission, requires leadership. We will train and equip 200 pastors and missionaries to carry out this work.
10,000 Communities on Mission Worldwide
We are learning a lot about ministry in a post-Christian context and want to share this with pastors and communities around the world.
We will coach pastors across the globe in the Communities on Mission structure to help launch 10,000 Communities on Mission worldwide.
14 worship services are held in 10 locations across the Rhine-Main region of Germany.
– Theatre in Pedagog
– Goldene Krone Tavern
– Curanum Senior Living Home
– The Good Coffee Cafe
– Pipeline Youth Center
– Naxoshalle Theatre
– Bürgerhospital
– The Good Coffee Café
– St. Paul’s Church
– Café Heimathafen
Coming Soon!