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A Community on Mission is an 8 – 12 person group that uniquely blends deep relationships with the call to serve others. Weekly meetings rotate between missional outreach and community gatherings. In the missional outreach, relationships are formed and heaven on earth as made visible through the service of a specific group/place. 

Watch the video below to hear Philip Zimmermann explain Communities on Mission in more detail. 

This holistic pairing fulfills both callings of the Church: to meet together within community and to go out into our world. It allows persons to join in – where they are – and belong, whether or not they believe. The beauty of Communities on Mission exists in the tension of holding both the community and the mission in equal importance.

For more information about Communities on Mission and other related resources, visit

Communities on Mission Launch Classes

Communities on Mission are a core part of our strategy, as they blend relationship, spiritual growth, and service into one activity. We’re bringing this central part of urban ministry to the U.S. through teaching Communities on Mission Launch Classes. Pastors and ministry leaders will be taught everything they need to successfully launch Communities on Mission in their city, and we’ll hold you accountable for launching your first three Communities on Mission in less than nine weeks.

For more information or to register for our next Communities on Mission Launch Class, visit